Fashion Short Film

“Jumpers” weaves together the untold stories of a girl’s stolen sweater collection, each knit with threads of love, loss, and unexpected connections.

Experience the film as chapters below:

directed by Jean Claude Billmaier

featuring Valentina Ferrer
with the voice of Cris Tamez

produced by Carolina Tamez

written by Jean Claude Billmaier
& Carolina Tamez

Music | Sam Cooke ‘You Send Me’

Director of Photography | Sam Cutler-Kreutz
Assistant Camera | Josh Herzog
Gaffer | Dominic Miller

Editors | Sascha Taylor Larsen & Jean Claude Billmaier
Sound Designer | Bobb Barito
Color Grade | Justin Levine

Special Thanks to Maggie Gilbride, Lee Gold, Handheld Films, Mathieu Forget, Faith Connexion, and Emma Caceres.